Cheapest Taxi Service In Rajkot

Cheapest Taxi Service In Rajkot

Cheapest Taxi Service In Rajkot

Gujarat taxi is car rental service provider Cheapest Taxi Service In Rajkot. Good online car rental and booking for is available at Rajkot airport and Railway station.

Rajkot State was one of the princely states of india during the period of the British Raj. It was a 9 gun salute state belonging to the Kathiwar Afency of the Bombay Presidency.Its capital was Cheapest Taxi Service In Rajkot, located in the historical Halar region of Kathiyawar on the banks of the Aji River. Nowadays Rajkot is the fourth largest city of gujarat state.

204 km²

About Us

Gujarat, cab services provides cab rental services in all major cities of Gujarat. Also taxi hire services available at most popular tourist places of Gujarat state of India.


Contact Us


Head Office

B-3, Sanskar Complex,

150 Feet Ring Road,

Nr KKV Hall Rajkot- 360005

Branch Office

C- 212, Sundaram Complex, Airforce 2 Road, Indira Road, Jamnagar -

361006, Gujarat, India.

Branch Office

Dwarka National Highway, Nr. Kandas Bapu Ashram, Nr. Deepak Auto,Dwarka - 361335, Gujarat, India.

Branch Office

3rd Floor, Shivam Complex,Nr. Hari Villa Apartment, Ghat Lodiya, Ahmedabad - 380061, Gujarat, India.
